Fizzy Drinks: Everything You need to Know

Fizzy drinks are popular everywhere and widely consumed the world over. Although they are highly finished, they contain high sugar levels and acid, which can lead to many health challenges. With festivities around the corner, fizzy drinks are more common on dinner tables. 

Warnings are surrounding these drinks all over the newspapers and the internet regularly, and it should not come as a shock. However, like all other guilty pleasures like cookies, biscuits and chocolate, it is almost impossible to not reach for them. Besides decaying teeth, sugar-laden drinks also pose health risks like decreasing fertility in both men and women.

fizzy drinks

Sugar is the main danger of all the ingredients that make fizzy drinks because it is toxic to the body. Most ailments and deaths are blamed on sugar and experts say it should be limited like in alcohol and tobacco. While having these guilty pleasures, they seem harmless, but once they start to take a toll on you, they can be lethal. 

Are Fizzy drinks the same as Soft Drinks?

Soft drinks generally include fruit juice, energy drinks, flavoured waters, concentrates and fizzy drinks which mostly contain sweeteners and sugar. Fizzy drinks and energy drinks have phosphoric acid and carbon dioxide to make the fizz and tang characteristic.

Fizzy drinks mostly contain sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, flavourings, colour, caffeine and preservatives. However, not all may contain these ingredients. 

Do the warnings about Fizzy drinks hold water? Yes, the notifications are valid, and whether you are taking these drinks for diet or pleasure, they are not suitable for your teeth because they are acidic. The acids coupled up with the sugars present, cause an erosion of dental enamel which can eventually dissolve them.

Also, the high sugar levels are equivalent to extra calories which can translate to obesity. There are foods with high calories, but they also provide minerals, vitamins, minerals and fibre fizzy drinks only give you sugar energy in high levels and diseases like type two diabetes.

fizzy drinks

Reasons why you should Avoid Fizzy Drinks

1. Mental Health

The problems you may encounter due to taking these drinks are way beyond widening your waistline but also your mental health and your brain functions like memory and perception. You can suffer from depression, and poor memory and those who study learning disorders and risk of developing dementia those who over-consume these drinks.

2. Tooth Decay

The high sugar levels in your favourite drink can cause severe consequences to your dental. First, the enamel on your dental is eroded, leading to painful and sensitive teeth. A regular can of coca-cola contains eight teaspoons of sugar which increase tooth and gum disease. 

Also, the acid in the drinks combined with the sugar is ten times more corrosive than fruit juice in under five minutes of taking it. Don’t be tricked by the familiar names they tag on diet drinks, they are sneaky and may contain chemicals that are harmful to your teeth like citric acid. 


3. Skin

It is proven beyond doubt that these drinks will make you look older than you indeed are. Sugar damages your skin cells and collagen causing you to age prematurely. So, when you feel so much desire for a coke, perhaps putting on a facial mask can guard you against doing it. Also, a glass of water is, of course, much better than these canned drinks. 

4. Heart problems

The heart problems that come with the consumption of these drinks are direr than you may think due to the high sugar levels that after digestion build up as bad fats, around the veins and the heart, blocking arteries, and blood vessels, eventually leading to strokes or heart attacks. 

5. Amnesia

Some energy drinks contain large amounts of caffeine which will not only damage your teeth as your weight increases but also cause you sleepless nights and agitation. You can have one drink once in a while, but don’t make it a habit. Perhaps it can explain why the manufacturers restrict you to take more than two a day. 

If you want to replace your energy drink with something that benefits your body, you can take milk, unsweetened tea, or fruit juice because they have more natural sugar. Keep your body hydrated by taking water every day, up to eight glasses as it will also help in managing your body weight without damaging your teeth.

6. Obesity

The high sugar level content in fizzy drinks and obesity make them inseparable, but one can be ended in an instant. Excess sugar is stored as fats around your belly, increasing the chance of developing type two diabetes. 


Also, the disease may be shared among people who frequently consume dieting soft drinks. Other common issues that come as a result of sugary beverages are depression and digestive disorders. Newer sweeteners like stevia also pose long-term health risks, and you should avoid them at all costs. However, you can find healthier alternatives to these sweetened drinks. 

7. The Liver and Kidneys

Bad fat known as cholesterol can build up around the liver and kidneys. Excess fat around the liver causes fatty liver disease and eventually liver failure. With the kidneys being surrounded by too much fat, they fail to function normally, and you end up with high blood pressure and less kidney function. When the kidneys cannot function properly, the body is unable to flush out toxins, and it may result in kidney failure. 


You must have heard much more about fizzy drinks, and the bottom line is that they are not suitable for your health. Doing your best to avoid them will guarantee you general good health. However, you can take them in small amounts but don’t overconsume. 

If you happen to take these drinks, ensure that you brush your teeth once you are done to avoid dental decay and gum disease. Also, you make substitutions with water and milk and stay healthy. Even if you cannot brush after taking a fizzy drink, you can add mint and lemon and add them to sparkling water, apple juice or cranberry to keep your teeth healthy.

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Andrew is a professional writer with 7+ Years of experience. His style and uniqueness inspire and educate readers throughout the world.

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